Abraham Lincoln
16th President
February 12, 1809
LaRue County, Kentucky
View Birthplace Photos
April 15, 1865
Washington, D.C.
View Gravesite Photos
Statues, Monuments, Memorials, Homes, Libraries and Other Places
The links below contain photos and other information about these sites associated with Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park - near Hodgenville, Kentucky
Lincoln Birthplace - near Hodgenville, Kentucky
Lincoln Boyhood Home - near Hodgenville, Kentucky
Lincoln Statues - Hodgenville, Kentucky
Lincoln Museum - Hodgenville, Kentucky
Lincoln Statue at the Kentucky Capitol - Frankfort, Kentucky
Lincoln Statue at the Louisville Free Public Library - Louisville, Kentucky
Lincoln Memorial - Louisville, Kentucky
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial - Lincoln City, Indiana
Trail of Twelve Stones - Lincoln City, Indiana
Lincoln Statue - Indianapolis, Indiana
Young Abe Lincoln Statue - Indianapolis, Indiana
Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site - Petersburg, Illinois
Lincoln Home National Historic Site - Springfield, Illinois
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum - Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln Heritage Museum - Lincoln, Illinois
Lincoln Assassination Site and the Petersen House - Washington, D.C.
Ford's Theatre National Historic Site - Washington, D.C.
Lincoln Memorial - Washington, D.C.
Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Memorial - Washington, D.C.
Abraham Lincoln's Hat at the National Museum of American History - Washington, D.C.
Lincoln Statue at the National Cathedral - Washington, D.C.
Lincoln Statue at the District of Columbia Court of Appeals - Washington, D.C.
Abraham Lincoln Bust at the White House Cross Hall — Washington D.C.
Abraham Lincoln Bust at the White House Visitors Foyer — Washington D.C.
Abraham Lincoln Bust at the White House Ground Floor Hall — Washington D.C.
Lincoln Statue with son Tad - Richmond, Virginia
Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Memorial - Boston, Massachusetts
Abraham Lincoln Bust and Historical Marker at the Massachusetts State House - Boston, Massachusetts
Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum - Harrogate, Tennessee
Lincoln Statue - Cincinnati, Ohio
Lincoln Monument - near Laramie, Wyoming
Lincoln Bust - Hillsboro, North Dakota
Lincoln Gettysburg Address Plaque - International Peace Garden - North Dakota
Mount Rushmore - Keystone, South Dakota
Lincoln Statue - Rapid City, South Dakota
Lincoln Cottage at the Soldiers' Home - Washington, D.C.
Surratt House Museum - Clinton, Maryland
Lincoln Statue at Senn Park - Chicago, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at Garfield Park - Chicago, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at Lincoln Square - Chicago, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at Grant Park - Chicago, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at Lincoln Park - Chicago, Illinois
First Lincoln-Douglas Debate Statue and Historical Markers - Ottawa, Illinois
Lincoln-Douglas Debate Statue - Alton, Illinois
Lincoln Statue - Lockport, Illinois
Lincoln Steampunk Statue - Lockport, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery - Elwood, Illinois
Lincoln Statue - Pontiac, Illinois
Lincoln Tomb - Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at Illinois State Capitol - Springfield, Illinois
Lincoln Statue at The Buffalo History Museum - Buffalo, New York
Lincoln Statue - Buffalo, New York
Lincoln Statue at Kansas State Capitol - Topeka, Kansas
Lincoln Statue at Nebraska State Capitol - Lincoln, Nebraska
Young Lincoln Statue - Lincoln, Nebraska
Lincoln Statue - Omaha, Nebraska
Lincoln Statue - Fremont, Nebraska
Lincoln Statue and Bust - Kearney, Nebraska
Lincoln Soldier Statue - Dixon, Illinois
Lincoln Park at Old Illinois State Capitol - Vandalia, Illinois
Lincoln Statue - Portland, Oregon
Lincoln Bust - Scranton, Pennsylvania
Lincoln Statue with son Tad - Kansas City, Missouri
Lincoln Transcontinental Railroad Monument - Council Bluffs, Iowa
Lincoln Statue - Sioux City, Iowa
Lincoln Statue - Jefferson, Iowa
Lincoln Statue - Webster City, Iowa
Lincoln Bust - Scranton, Iowa
Lincoln and Tad Statue at the Iowa State Capitol - Des Moines, Iowa
Lincoln Statue - Salt Lake City, Utah
Abraham Lincoln Lego Model at Legoland California — Carlsbad, California
Abraham Lincoln Bust at Disneyland — Anaheim, California
Abraham Lincoln Bust — Burbank, California
Lincoln Statue - Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Lincoln Statue - London, England
Presidential Election Results
John Breckinridge (Dem), Stephen Douglas (Dem), John Bell (Constitutional Union)
Lincoln 180, Breckinridge 72, Bell 39, Douglas 12
George B. McClellan (Democrat)
Lincoln 212, McClellan 21
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