Abraham Lincoln Birthplace - LaRue County, Kentucky

Address: Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park, 2995 Lincoln Farm Road, Hodgenville, Kentucky

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in what was Hardin County, Kentucky and is now LaRue County, Kentucky in a log cabin on his family's Sinking Spring farm. The cabin in which he was born no longer exists and a replica "symbolic" cabin is featured on the site. The property is now part of the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park and is open to the public to visit.

  • photo of Abraham Lincoln's birthplace
  • photo of Abraham Lincoln birthplace memorial building
  • Abraham Lincoln birthplace memorial building
  • Abraham Lincoln birthplace marker
  • Abraham Lincoln birthplace marker
  • The Memorial Building shown in the photographs above contains the log cabin shown in the photographs below that is considered symbolic of the one in which Lincoln was born, it is not the original cabin.
  • photo of replica Abraham Lincoln birthplace log cabin
  • photo of replica Abraham Lincoln birthplace log cabin
  • The monument shown below depicting Abraham Lincoln as a baby with his family is located in the Visitor Center of the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park.
  • Lincoln family monument at Lincoln birthplace