Bill Clinton
41st President
August 19, 1946
Hope, Arkansas
as William Jefferson Blythe IV, later taking the name William Jefferson Clinton
View Birthplace Photos
Still living
Statues, Monuments, Memorials, Homes, Libraries and Other Places
The links below contain photos and other information about these sites associated with Bill Clinton.
William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum - Little Rock, Arkansas
Clinton Presidential Center - Little Rock, Arkansas
Bill Clinton Birthplace - Hope, Arkansas
Bill Clinton First Home and Historical Markers - Hope, Arkansas
Bill Clinton Second Home and Historical Markers - Hope, Arkansas
President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home National Historic Site - Hope, Arkansas
Visitor Center and Clinton Museum - Hope, Arkansas
Bill Clinton Bust at the Arkansas Governor's Mansion - Little Rock, Arkansas
Clinton House Museum - Fayetteville, Arkansas
Bill Clinton Statue - Rapid City, South Dakota
Presidential Election Results
George Bush (Republican)
, Ross Perot (Independent)
Clinton 370, Bush 168, Perot 0
Bob Dole (Republican), Ross Perot (Independent)
Clinton 379, Dole 159, Perot 0
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