James Monroe Gravesite

James Monroe is buried at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia.

Location: Hollywood Cemetery
Address: 412 South Cherry Street, Richmond, Virginia

  • James Monroe gravesite
  • James Monroe and John Tyler are both buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond. In the photograph above the tall monument marking Tyler's grave can be seen just behind and to the left of Monroe's tomb.
  • where James Monroe is buried
  • James Monroe gravesite
  • James Monroe grave
  • James Monroe tomb
  • The plate on Monroe's tomb reads as follows:

  • James Monroe Born in Westmoreland County 28 April 1758
    Died in the City of New York 4 July 1831
    By Order of the General Assembly
    His Remains were removed to this Cemetery 5 July 1858
    As an evidence of the affection of Virginia
    For Her Good and Honored Son
  • James Monroe grave historical marker

  • For photographs of the graves of all other U.S. Presidents visit the Presidents Gravesites page.