Andrew Jackson Birthplace - Waxhaws Region, South and North Carolina

Address: Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina

Andrew Jackson was born on March 15, 1767 in a log cabin in the Waxhaws Region along the border of North and South Carolina. The precise location of his birth is unknown and both states have historical markers, shown below, claiming Jackson was born there.

  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • The historical marker above is located at 701 West South Main Street in Waxhaw, North Carolina. The historical marker shown below, located in North Carolina, is located at the end of Route 1105 (East Rebound Road) coming east from Highway 521. It is approximately 1 mile from the North Carolina-South Carolina border and marks the location of the McCamie cabin, which was one of the two likely locations for Jackson's birth.
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • The historical marker below is at the entrance of Andrew Jackson State Park in South Carolina. The address of the park is 196 Andrew Jackson State Park Road, Lancaster, South Carolina. The two-sided stone marker below is located inside the park and is approximately 1 mile from the North Carolina-South Carolina border. It marks the location of the Crawford plantation, which was one of the two likely locations for Jackson's birth.
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina
  • Andrew Jackson birthplace - Waxhaws Region of North and South Carolina