This memorial is dedicated to Warren Harding who was the first U.S. President to visit Canada in 1923. The memorial is located in Vancouver's Stanley Park, where Harding visited and made a speech. The memorial was dedicated in 1925.
The left tablet above reads:
"What an object lesson of peace is shown today by our two countries to all the world. No grim-faced fortifications mark our frontiers, no huge battleships patrol our dividing waters, no stealthy spies lurk in our tranquil border hamlets. Only a scrap of paper, recording hardly more than a simple understanding, safe-guards lives and properties on the Great Lakes, and only humble mile posts mark the inviolable boundary line for thousands of miles through farm and forest."
"Our protection is in our fraternity. Our armour is our faith. The tie that binds more firmly year by year is
and the right tablet below reads:
ever increasing acquantaince and comradeship through interchange of citizens and the compact is not of perishable parchment, but of fair and honorable dealing, which, god grant, shall continue for all time."
Erected by Kiwanis International in memory of a great occasion in the life of two sister nations here on July 26, 1923. Warren Gamaliel Harding twenty-ninth President of the United States of America, and first president to visit Canada. Charter member of the Kiwanis Club of Marion, Ohio, spoke words that are worthy of record in lasting granite dedicated September 16, 1925.