Millard Fillmore Birthplace - Cayuga County, New York

Address: just west of the intersection of Fillmore and Salt roads, Moravia, New York

Millard Fillmore was born on January 7, 1800 in Cayuga County, New York in a log cabin home owned by his parents. The cabin in which he was born was demolished in 1852. The site is marked by a sign from the New York State Education Department.

  • Millard Fillmore birthplace historical marker
  • Millard Fillmore birthplace historical marker
  • Millard Fillmore birthplace historical marker
  • Millard Fillmore birthplace historical marker
  • Millard Fillmore birthplace
  • Millard Fillmore birthplace sign
  • The log cabin in which Millard Fillmore was born on the site shown in the photographs above no longer exists. A replica of the birthplace log cabin is located just a few miles away in Moravia, New York in Fillmore Glen State Park.