Assassinations and Assassination Attempts of U.S. Presidents

There have been four U.S. Presidents that have been assassinated: Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. The table below shows the details of these attacks and clicking the location will show photographs of each site where the assassination occurred. There have also been a number of attempts to assassinate a president, the most significant of which are described in the lower table on this page. These attempts involved Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump.

Presidential Assassinations

President Date Location/Address Outcome
Abraham Lincoln April 14, 1865 Ford's Theatre
511 10th Street NW
Washington, DC
Lincoln was shot from behind as he was
watching a play. He died of his wounds
April 15, 1865 at the Petersen House in
James Garfield July 2, 1881 Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station
near SW Corner of Constitution Ave. & 6th Street NW
Washington, DC
Garfield was shot from behind as he was
walking through the railroad station. As a
result of failed attempts to locate the
bullet which caused infections and blood
poisoning he died September 19, 1881 at
Elberon, New Jersey.
William McKinley Sept. 6, 1901 Pan-American Exposition, Temple of Music
34 Fordham Drive
Buffalo, New York
McKinley was shot at close range as he was
greeting the public. He died on September
14, 1901 in Buffalo from gangrene caused by
the bullet wounds.
John F. Kennedy Nov. 22, 1963 Dealey Plaza
411 Elm Street
Dallas, Texas
Kennedy was struck by gunshots while riding in
a motorcade through downtown Dallas. He was
pronounced dead at Parkland Memorial Hospital
in Dallas shortly after the shooting.

Presidential Assassination Attempts

President Date Location/Address Outcome
Andrew Jackson Jan. 30, 1835 U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC
A man attempted to fire two guns at Jackson at close
range, however, the guns did not discharge a bullet
and Jackson was unharmed.
Theodore Roosevelt
(was former President at the time)
Oct. 14, 1912 Hotel Gilpatrick
333 West Kilbourne Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
After leaving the hotel and before heading to a
campaign speech, a man fired on former President
and current Presidential candidate Roosevelt and
the bullet lodged in his chest. The bullet was
slowed by the papers from Roosevelt's speech and
his glasses case. He was not seriously injured
and insisted on delivering his lengthly speech
as planned. Only after the speech did he go to
the hospital for examination. It was decided
that the bullet remain in Roosevelt's body.
Franklin Roosevelt
(was President-Elect at the time)
Feb. 15, 1933 Bayfront Park
301 Biscayne Boulevard
Miami, Florida
A man fired shots at the car from which
President-Elect Roosevelt had just given
a speech. Roosevelt was not hit, but the
bullets hit others, including Chicago Mayor
Anton Cermak who died from his wounds.
Harry Truman Nov. 1, 1950 Blair House
1651 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC
Two gunmen unsuccessfully attempted to obtain
entry to Blair House, where Truman was staying
as the White House was being renovated. A gun
battle with the Secret Service and other guards
commenced and one gunman was killed and the
other wounded. Truman was unharmed, but one
White House police officer was killed.
Gerald Ford Sept. 5, 1975 California State Capitol
1315 10th Street
Sacramento, California
A woman attempted to fire a gun at Ford as he
was approaching the California Capitol. A Secret
Service agent noticed and prevented her from
firing the weapon.
Gerald Ford Sept. 22, 1975 St. Francis Hotel
335 Powell Street
San Francisco, California
Upon leaving the St. Francis Hotel a woman fired
a gun at Ford. All the shots missed and Ford was
Ronald Reagan March 30, 1981 Washington Hilton Hotel
1919 Connecticut Avenue NW
Washington, DC
Upon leaving the Washington Hilton Hotel, Reagan
was shot by a gunman. He was rushed to George
Washington University Hospital where he underwent
surgery to remove the bullet. Reagan made a full
recovery and returned to the White House on
April 11, 1981.
Donald Trump
(was former President at the time)
July 13, 2024 Butler Farm Show grounds
625 Evans City Road
Butler, Pennsylvania
During a campaign speech a gunman fired several
shots at Trump, with one bullet hitting his right
ear. The injury to the ear was minor and he was able
to walk away from the stage. He was taken to a local
hospital for a brief evaluation and wore a small
bandage on the ear for the next few days. The
gunman was killed by a Secret Service sniper shortly
after Trump was hit.