Third Party Presidential Candidates

Candidate Party or Parties Year(s)
William Wirt Anti-Masonic 1832
James G. Birney Liberty 1840, 1844
Martin Van Buren Free Soil 1848
Gerrit Smith Liberty, Liberty League, Land Reform 1848, 1852, 1856, 1860
John Hale Free Soil 1852
Millard Fillmore American (Know-Nothing) 1856
John Breckinridge Southern Democratic 1860
John Bell Constitutional Union 1860
Victoria Woodhull Equal Rights 1872
James B. Weaver Greenback, Populist (People's) 1880, 1892
Benjamin Butler Greenback 1884
Clinton B. Fisk Prohibition 1888
Alson J. Streeter Union Labor 1888
John Bidwell Prohibition 1892
Eugene V. Debs Socialist 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, 1920
John Woolley Prohibition 1900
Silas Swallow Prohibition 1904
Thomas Watson Populist 1904, 1908
Eugene Chafin Prohibition 1908, 1912
Arthur Reimer Socialist Labor 1912, 1916
Theodore Roosevelt Progressive (Bull Moose) 1912
Allan L. Benson Socialist 1916
J. Frank Hanly Prohibition 1916
William Z. Foster Communist 1924, 1928, 1932
Robert LaFollette Progressive, Socialist 1924
Norman Thomas Socialist 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, 1948
Verne Reynolds Socialist Labor 1928, 1932
John Aiken Socialist Labor 1936, 1940
Earl Browder Communist 1936, 1940
William Lemke Union 1936
Claude Watson Prohibition 1944, 1948
Edward Teichert Socialist Labor 1944, 1948
Farrell Dobbs Socialist Workers 1948, 1952, 1956, 1960
Henry A. Wallace Progressive 1948
Strom Thurmond States Rights 1948
Eric Hass Socialist Labor 1952, 1956, 1960, 1964
Henry Krajewski Poor Man's, American Third 1952, 1956
Darlington Hoopes Socialist 1952, 1956
Douglas MacArthur Constitution, America First 1952
E. Harold Munn Prohibition 1964, 1968, 1972
Eugene McCarthy Independent, Consumers 1968, 1976, 1988
George Wallace American Independent 1968
Dick Gregory Freedom and Peace 1968
Eldridge Cleaver Peace and Freedom 1968
Gus Hall Communist 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984
John Schmitz American Independent 1972
Benjamin Spock People's 1972
John Hospers Libertarian 1972
Lyndon LaRouche US Labor, National Economic Recovery, Independent 1976, 1984, 1988, 1992
Ben Bubar Prohibition 1976, 1980
Lester Maddox American Independent 1976
John Anderson Independent 1980
Ed Clark Libertarian 1980
David McReynolds Socialist 1980, 2000
Earl Dodge Prohibition 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004
Delmar Dennis American 1984, 1988
Ed Winn Workers League 1984, 1988
Larry Holmes Workers World 1984, 1988
Ron Paul Libertarian (1988), Various and Write-In (2008) 1988, 2008
Lenora Fulani New Alliance 1988, 1992
James Warren Socialist Workers 1988, 1992
Jack Herer Grassroots 1988, 1992
John Hagelin Natural Law 1992, 1996, 2000
Howard Phillips U.S. Taxpayers, Constitution 1992, 1996, 2000
Andre Marrou Libertarian 1992
Ross Perot Independent, Reform 1992, 1996
Isabell Masters Looking Back 1992, 1996
Ralph Nader Green, Reform, Independent 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008
Harry Browne Libertarian 1996, 2000
James Harris Socialist Workers 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012
Monica Moorehead Workers World 1996, 2000, 2016
Pat Buchanan Reform 2000
Michael Badnarik Libertarian 2004
Bob Barr Libertarian 2008
Chuck Baldwin Constitution 2008
Cynthia McKinney Green 2008
Gary Johnson Libertarian 2012, 2016
Jill Stein Green 2012, 2016, 2024
Roseanne Barr Peace and Freedom 2012
Virgil Goode Constitution 2012
Jo Jorgensen Libertarian 2020
Howie Hawkins Green 2020
Chase Oliver Libertarian 2024
Cornel West Justice for All/Independent 2024

This list does not purport to be a complete list of all third party general election candidates throughout history. It does attempt to list those that received at least approximately 1% of the vote, those candidates who are/were prominent for other reasons, or those candidates who have run multiple times. Also, although he did not run as a third party candidates, Harold Stassen ran in the Republican primaries numerous times.