James Polk Gravesite

James Polk is buried at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville, Tennessee.

Location: Tennessee State Capitol
Address: 600 Charlotte Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee

  • where James Polk was buried
  • James Polk gravesite
  • James Polk gravesite
  • James Polk grave
  • James Polk grave stone
  • James Polk grave marker
  • James and Sarah Polk grave
  • The Tennessee State Capitol can be seen behind the Polk tomb in the photograph above. Before Polk's tomb was moved to the Capitol he was buried at Polk Place.
  • James Polk gravesite
  • Behind the Polk grave shown in the photograph above, statues of Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson can be seen. These three Presidents were all from Tennessee.

  • For photographs of the graves of all other U.S. Presidents visit the Presidents Gravesites page.