Richard Nixon Birthplace - Yorba Linda, California

Address: 18001 Yorba Linda Boulevard, Yorba Linda, California

Richard Nixon was born on January 9, 1913 in Yorba Linda, California in the home that was built by his parents on their farm. The house is on the grounds of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum.

  • photo of Richard Nixon's birthplace
  • House in which Nixon was born
  • The photographs above show a front and side view of Richard Nixon's birthplace. The two photographs below show historical markers at the front of the house.
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • The four photographs below show historical markers located along the side of the house.
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • Richard Nixon birthplace house
  • The photograph above shows a rear view of the birthplace and the photograph below shows a historical marker located behind the house.
  • Richard Nixon birthplace historical marker
  • Richard Nixon birthplace adjacent to gravesite
  • The photograph above shows the Richard Nixon birthplace house as viewed from his gravesite. Richard Nixon holds the distinction of being the President who is buried closest to his birthplace.