Gerald Ford Birthplace - Omaha, Nebraska

Address: 3202 Woolworth Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska

Gerald Ford was born on July 14, 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska in the home of his paternal grandparents at the site shown below. The house in which he was born was destroyed in a fire in 1971 and replaced by the Gerald Ford Birthsite and Gardens memorial that is now owned by the City of Omaha. It is free and open to the public to visit.

  • Gerald R. Ford birthplace Omaha Nebraska
  • Gerald Ford birthplace
  • Gerald Ford birthsite in Omaha
  • Gerald Ford birth site
  • President Ford birth site
  • Views of Ford Birthsite
  • Monument marking Gerald Ford birthplace
  • The house in which Ford was born was demolished in 1971 after a fire.
    The photo below shows the house around the time Ford was born. This photograph is from the Gerald and Betty Ford Family Photo Album at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  • Actual house in which President Ford was born in Omaha
  • Bust of Gerald Ford
  • Bust of Gerald Ford at Ford's Birthplace
  • Bust of Betty Ford
  • Bust of Betty Ford
  • Ford Rose Garden Monument in Omaha
  • Ford Rose Garden Monument
  • Ford Bust inside conservation center adjacent to birthsite
  • The bust of Gerald Ford above is located adjacent to his birthplace inside the Gerald R. Ford Conservation Center.
  • A complete history of the Ford birthplace was published in White House History Quarterly, the journal of the White House Historical Association. The article entitled, "The Birthplace of President Gerald R. Ford Jr.: A Presidential Site Made for a King, No, Make That a Ford" can be accessed from the White House Historical Association.