Chester Arthur Birthplace - Fairfield, Vermont

Address: Fairfield, Vermont

Chester Arthur was born on October 5, 1829 in Fairfield, Vermont in the home of his parents. The exact location in Fairfield where he was born is unknown.

  • photo of Chester Arthur's birthplace
  • photo of Chester Arthur's birthplace
  • The historical marker above is located across the street from the Fairfield, Vermont town hall at 25 N Road. As indicated on the marker, the exact location of Chester Arthur's birth is unknown. Less than a year after his birth, Arthur's family moved to the location shown in the photographs below at 4588 Chester Arthur Road, Fairfield, Vermont. The building shown in the photographs is a replica of the original home.
  • photo of Chester Arthur's home
  • photo of Chester Arthur's home
  • photo of Chester Arthur's home
  • photo of Chester Arthur's birthplace state park
  • photo of Chester Arthur's birthplace historic site
  • photo of Chester Arthur's house
  • photo of Chester Arthur's house
  • where Chester Arthur lived
  • photo of Chester Arthur's birth place
  • photo of Chester Arthur's birthplace marker